Sample 2 of Book 2 the Power to Succeed


 We notice those things we look for. If fully present to life, our heightened awareness will lead to an unending sequence of new discoveries.  When it comes to developing expanded life skills, our conscious intent to place ourselves in the developmental soup pot - while we turn up the heat - will result in countless daily opportunities that were previously invisible to us.

This process heightens our awareness of relationships and how easily they can be impacted on purpose resulting in abundant insights into how we can improve the quality of life for all. Your commitment to the process as opposed to merely wanting it to happen will make the difference.

There is no connection between what we want and what we get in life. Look around you and notice how many people want things. Ask an audience of 10,000 people if they want to be wealthy and you’ll get a pretty unanimous response. Although they might want wealth, most will never attain it. The world does not care what we want.

There is however a connection between what we get and what we are committed to experiencing. Commitment is that do-whatever-it-takes quality that keeps our eye on the prize. With commitment there is no turning back. Commitment will open up new possibilities that would not reveal themselves to someone with less at stake.

Compare this to how most approach a new endeavor: they are willing to do it as long as it’s convenient. The trouble with such an orientation to convenience over commitment becomes apparent when problems arise. With the inevitable appearance of problems, the path of least resistance is to follow one’s feelings and do what appears to be most convenient. This usually means quitting. It explains why most do not get what they want but instead get what they are committed to  - their comfort. To break out of this self-sabotaging pattern, simply return to and remain present to your commitment as life forces you to choose between commitment and feelings.

Success requires clarity around what’s at stake and what it is that you are committed to doing. Then, whether you feel like it or not, do it anyway.

As you develop the habit of honoring commitments, life will take on new direction. On purpose focused action toward goals will replace sitting around hoping things happen. Successful people are those willing to do what unsuccessful people are not.

Begin on the path of honoring your commitments and decide to live deliberately. Each moment ask yourself, “What is my intended result for this issue?” A clear intent will minimize the distraction and losing your way.





1) List at least one thing you are willing to commit to achieving in the following areas:

·        Your relationships

·        Your health

·        Your finances

·        Your career

2) What definitive action steps will you commit to in order to achieve them?

3) In your journal each morning, record what your intended results are for the day in each of the above areas. What action you will take to bring you closer to your goal in each area?