Samples from Secrets of Building A Million-Dollar Network Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been There Done That and Shows You How To Do It Too.

"Secrets of Building A Million-Dollar Network
Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been
There Done That and Shows You How To Do It Too."

Achieving Success in Network Marketing Through Your "Single Daily Actions"

By Dr. Joe Rubino

Good organization is essential to success in any endeavor. This is especially true for new network marketing distributors. Let’s take a look at what you will need to organize on a daily basis to guarantee your success.

1. Prospecting

Looking at the concept of success ratios, how many people would you need to prospect on a daily basis to be on track to achieve your goals for a given month?

Let’s say your goal was to find one future leader this month. If you worked Monday through Friday, or 20 days in the month, and suppose you needed to speak with 200 people in order to identify 1 MLM leader, you would need to prospect 10 people each day to stay on track. Your single daily action here would include 10 prospecting conversations each and every working day.

To ground your goal in your ability to do the actions needed to accomplish the result, you would need to either commit the time and effort required to carry out these 10 conversations daily OR expand your time limit for reaching your goal. You would also need to know sources for 200 names.

This is the first step in grounding your actions in realistic relationship to your goals.

The number of people someone would need to prospect to identify one leader varies greatly from person to person. Developing your communication skills and effectiveness will lower the number of prospecting conversations you need to have to obtain the same result.

2. Sorting

I define a "sorting" conversation as a quality conversation that is the next step and the natural result of successful prospecting.

Sorting includes the process of trying the products and reviewing materials to determine if a prospect is interested in becoming a retail customer, a wholesale customer and/or taking a look at the business opportunity to see if it fits their "why."

We’ll do more about sorting later, as well. For now, let’s determine how many sorting conversations you will need to have daily to be on track for your monthly goal.

Based on your historical overall ratios, let’s say you determine that you need four sorting conversations each day to reach your goals-your single daily actions would need to include those as well.

3. Follow-up Conversations

After you’ve had a quality sorting conversation to explore the possibilities of your products or business opportunity, your prospects will most likely need to try products, watch a video, listen to an audio tape or read some literature on your company, products or opportunity. Each of those activities will take time, so you will have to follow up with a third conversation.

You’ll need to calculate how many of these follow-up conversations you need to keep the flow going with your prospects as they explore what you’re offering. Include the required number of follow-up conversations in your single daily actions, too.

4. Miscellaneous Activity

This category includes all other actions which occur daily as needed to ensure your success.

Included here are the number of sorting packages you will need to send out to prospects, the training or coaching you’ll take part in with your upline and downline, reading of company literature or books on network marketing, watching video tapes, bookkeeping, listening to audio tapes, conference calls, etc. In other words, anything else that would support your business-building activities. Set aside a specific number of hours each day for these activities and include them in your single daily actions.

5. Conclusion

So, ...

Given that you need to prospect 200 people to identify one leader and you prospect 20 days per month:

If you: You will:
Prospect 10 per day Identify 1 leader per month.
Prospect 5 per day Identify 1 leader in 2 months.
Prospect 1 per day . Identify 1 leader in 10 months

Your Single Daily Actions will include:

  • Prospect X number of people per day,
  • Follow up with X number of prospects per day,
  • X number of hours you’ll spend on training and coach-ing your downline
  • Set aside X amount of time for miscellaneous daily activities needed to ensure your success
  • To the extent that you clearly identify exactly what actions you will need to do religiously day in and day out in order to ensure your success, you will be grounded in setting a realistic game plan to win the networking game on purpose.

Dr. Joe Rubino

The Zen of Prospecting

By Dr. Joe Rubino

Reprinted with permission from:

"Secrets of Building A Million-Dollar Network
Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been
There Done That and Shows You How To Do It Too."

The Zen of Prospecting

When it comes to prospecting for network marketing leaders, there are two Zen rules I suggest you must always keep in front of yourself. In fact, these rules are outlined on a sign I keep right by my phone for every prospecting call. For me, they sum up successful prospecting perfectly.

Rule #1: Give up the right to make anyone do anything.

Rule #2: Look for a way to contribute to your prospect’s life.

Simply following these two easy rules takes away any inclination to exert pressure on your prospect. In network marketing, pressure and intimidation do not work!

A prospect who unwillingly signs up as a distributor under pressure, or anything other than making an informed choice will never be motivated to do what it takes to succeed. What may look like a victory in the short term will turn out to be a waste of time and energy if your reluctant prospect needs you to constantly push and pull them into action.

By giving up the right to make anyone do what you want them to do, you create the space for them to step forward powerfully and freely choosing their actions to succeed.

And that’s where Rule #2 comes into play.

The real power of network marketing lies in its positive impact on people’s lives.

Network marketing is about contribution.

Everyone has some aspect of their life where your opportunity can contribute something of value. For many, it may be a supplemental monthly paycheck. For others, it may be complete financial and time freedom, or the opportunity to contribute to the lives of others. If you look hard enough and ask the right questions, you’ll usually discover just where your contribution fits.

As for those who see absolutely nothing of value in what you could contribute to their lives the opportunity is simply not right for them at this time. Let it be. It’s not up to you to force a fit.

Finding Out Who Your Prospect Is

The key to any successful relationship is developing a bond with the other person, establishing a common ground, the mutuality that will allow the two of you to communicate and function as partners. This bond includes permission to explore the possibilities of involvement in that partnership.

All too often, the first prospecting instinct is to dump information. Distributors often feel, Just one more fact or tidbit about my company, my products or my opportunity will be the one thing that makes the difference the thing that gets them in! So they tell the prospect everything they know, hoping to persuade her to see the same value that attracted them.

This is a very blind approach. You have no clue what would interest another person unless you ask. So instead, we rely on dumping information on deaf ears.

Stephen Covey advises in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

You can’t possibly be effective in meeting the needs and wants of others if you don’t know what they are! Get to know your prospects first. Step into their shoes. Walk a mile or two. Find out what it’s like to live and work in their world.

Once you’ve listened to understand who they are, you will have created the space for them to listen to your presentation and for you to be understood.

Have you heard the cliché, People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care? Listen to people and you will create the opening for them to listen to you. Human beings nearly always honor the Golden Rule: They will do unto you as you do unto them.

Building Rapport

If you remember only one thing about successful prospecting this is it: Rapport must precede the exchange of information.

A casual conversation is the best way to build this rapport. In other words, find out what you can about people before you share your opportunity.

Here’s how to prevent your prospecting conversations from ever being a FLOP.

Simply remember to ask about the following:

F Family
L Live
O Occupation
P Passions

F Family
This is one thing most people are willing to talk about especially their kids. Make the opportunity to ask about their family. Show curiosity and a sincere interest in what is most important to them. This is particularly a good starting point to reestablish rapport with people you already know but have been out of touch with for a while.

Asking How’s your family? is the best way to build an instant bond.

L Live
With strangers, this is the best place to start. Everyone has to live somewhere. Look for points of interest regarding a favorite region, hometown or current residence. Even people who come from a not-so-great place can be proud of their roots.

A great ice breaker on an airplane is, Are you leaving home or going home today? It’s easy from there. After all, we all live on the same common ground.

O Occupation
Most people spend many hours and a great deal of energy on their work whether they like it or not! This is one of the easiest places to explore when speaking to a stranger or deepening an acquaintance, after you’ve opened up where they are from or currently live. For example: Where are you from? Dallas. Oh, what do you do there? And so on.

Questions such as, How long have you been doing that? or responses like, Really, tell me more about that...

Give the person an opportunity to speak about themselves which is usually their favorite subject!

This line of questioning also allows you to explore their level of satisfaction with their work.

I’ll often ask people, What do you like best about your work? And then, What do you enjoy the least? I’ve learned over the years to start off on the positive. If there are negatives, they’ll come out sooner or later.

Other conversation options might be, How many days a week do you work? Do you do much traveling?

One of my favorites is, Let’s say that money is no object, all your bills are paid, your kids’ tuition’s handled, etc.

Would you still do what you’re doing for a living now? Would you work less or not at all? What would you do in your spare time?

P Passions (as reflected in hobbies, recreation and special interests)

This is where you look for the gold. These are the things that people get excited about telling you.

Do they love to travel? If so, where would they go? With whom? Golf? How often would they play? Maybe they like to paint or fish or bird watch. It doesn’t matter what it is they love to do. What matters is that through a conversation with you they begin to dream.

As they share their dreams, they realize that they just don’t have the time or the money to do what they’d like.

That’s where you and your opportunity come in with the awesome power of possibilities.

Don’t rush at this point. Let them get it all out. Encourage them: Tell me more about that... What’s that like for you... How do you feel when you’re ...?

Being a contribution requires two things: Knowing what you’re contributing and patience. (Remember Zen Rule #2.)

To summarize, find out who your prospects are. Each person has unique reasons for being attracted to your opportunity. It’s much more effective to find out their reasons for doing your opportunity, rather than you giving them yours.

Look for what they value most. What’s important to them and what’s missing in their lives and work?

Talk in terms of possibilities. Explore their dreams, wants and aspirations.

Guide the conversation with questions designed to have them speak about themselves.

Explore the seeds of discontent in their lives. Is it money they lack, or time to spend with family and friends? Is it their job that they hate, or the lack of substantial savings for retirement? Maybe there isn’t a lot of fun in their daily routine. Is their stress level so high that their health and happiness are likely to suffer?

Whatever it is, you won’t discover it by doing all the talking. Ask a question then shut up and listen. Listen without judgment. Listen wide open. Your one and only job is to hear what they say.

Ninety-eight out of 100 people haven’t been listened to and truly heard in years! What do you suppose they will think and feel about you if you’re the one person who actually listens to them?

If you find yourself speaking more than listening, reevaluate your approach.

What are you listening for?

Most importantly, how and where can you be a contribution to their lives?

When you take the focus off of yourself and look to contribute to others, your network marketing success will naturally follow.

Dr Joe Rubino


Developing Your Network Marketing Game Plan - In A Nutshell

Dr. Joe Rubino

There is nothing like a clear, detailed and concise game plan to guide your success in network marketing. The following is a summary of some of the key elements to developing such a successful game plan.

Based on your overall vision for what your networking business will ultimately provide for you, what are your income expectations and your time frame for achieving them? Start with a six-month schedule. Although your vision will require a more general plan, focus first on your immediate actions.

You’ll want to work with your upline leaders to find answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the next highest position in your compensation plan, and when will you achieve it?
  2. How much earned income do you expect per month, and when do you expect it?
  3. How much monthly volume will you need to create in your group to earn that income?
  4. How many distributors will you need to partner with to bring this about?
  5. What position will you attain by month six, and how much income will it provide?
  6. What resources will you need to accomplish that?
    a. Time to invest per week.
    b. Supplies to order, including product and support materials.
    c. Educational and training materials you’ll need.
  7. Who will work with you to support you?
  8. How will you develop your list of prospects? Will you advertise? When and where?
  9. What training and personal development seminars will you attend?
  10. Will you build using three-way calling with your upline?
  11. Will you build locally and in person, or long distance by fax, phone or the Internet?
  12. What support structure does your company have for you to use?
  13. What will go into your sorting packages?
  14. How will you duplicate yourself?
  15. What other resources will you need?

Determine a Single Daily Action to Support Your Goals

A single daily action is something you will do consistently and continuously to bring about your success. At minimum, it will include:

Prospect X number of people per day, via email
Follow up with X number of prospects per day, via email
X number of hours you’ll spend on training and coach-ing your downline
Set aside X amount of time for miscellaneous daily activities needed to ensure your success

How Much Is Enough?

To determine how many people you will initially need to prospect, work backwards, starting with your goals. Use

input from your upline to ground what it will take to reach your target in reality.

Here’s an example:

IF you generally enroll one out of 20 prospects ...,
and IF one out of three builds a business ...,
and IF your goal is to find two business-builders each month ...,

THEN you will need to prospect 120 people per month to find your two business-builders. IF you work five days per week, THEN you will need to prospect six people each day to reach your objective each month.

Where Will You Get Your Prospects?

If you need 120 prospects each month (continuing the previous example), will you get them from ...

your warm market of family, friends, and acquaintances?
business or trade shows?
radio or TV commercials?
co-op ad programs?
other sources?

It’s essential that you have enough people to prospect to remain on track toward your goals and to maintain a powerful, productive posture.

What Area of Your Character Will You Develop as You Prospect?

Network marketing is a numbers game only if you don’t speak to enough people! Leverage your success by developing yourself. Possible target areas for your development will include:

Your Listening
Your Belief
Your Courage
Your Persistence
Your Energy
Your Communication Skills
Organization Skills
Powerful Speaking
Developing Rapport
Developing Vision
Guiding a Conversation
Not Dumping Information
Listening for what’ s important or missing in your prospect’ s life
Listening for an opportunity to contribute
Elements that would make you more attractive as a business partner


Create a Debriefing System

I can not stress enough the necessity for an effective debriefing system. How can you develop yourself if you’re not getting any feedback? You begin by establishing a system for getting and using this vital information.

1. Keep a journal

Record the highlights of every conversation you have with each prospect. Record the developmental area you plan to concentrate upon. What worked? What was missing? How could you be more effective? How could you listen and communicate more powerfully?

Keep track of your chosen development areas as you prospect. Make at least 100 to 500 calls and rate yourself after each and every one. You’ll see tremendous improvement in your effectiveness, and you will be able to put to use everything you learn.

2. Record your calls

Ask one of your mentors to listen to you as you make calls and give you feedback. Also, listen to yourself to hear how you sound to others and make any adjustments necessary.

3. Make three-way calls

Listen in on prospecting calls made by your upline. Then have your upline listen in on calls you make. Record their feedback, and pay particular attention to those mentors whose skills and techniques consistently get results.

4. Ask your prospects for feedback

That’s right! Whether they are interested or not, they are still your audience. You might ask something like, " I’m working on being a more effective communicator. Would you be willing to give me feedback on ... (add your developmental areas)?"

5. Create your own debriefing structure

One that works well for me is to make up a sign that speaks to whatever area I’m working on. I place it by the phone as a continual reminder to smile, shut up, ask questions, etc.

Constantly Reassess Your Actions

What’s working? What’s missing? Are you on track?

If not, what do you need to realign with your development, your goals, your values or vision? It’s critical to always make sure that the actions you take are in line with your intended results. If your results are not what you expected, look to ground your action plan in reality to better achieve your goals.

Duplicate It!

Network marketing is always about duplication. Find something that works for you and then go out and teach others how to do it. Keep this in mind as you develop your game plan. If it’s not duplicable, it will be of little use to those who follow your leadership.