Become a Certified Self-Esteem Coach for Adults and Learn the Life-Impacting Secrets to Champion People to Elevate their Self-Esteem & Live their Best Lives…

From Dr. Joe Rubino, one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic of self-esteem elevation for Children and Adults......

And Get It All For 95% Off Today!

The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Adults will teach you what you need to know to become certified as an Instructor to coach people to put into place structures and programs that champion them to:

  • Feel capable, competent and able to produce their intended results with velocity

  • Possess authentic personal power and have the ability to influence others

  • Feel significant, accepted, and loved by others

  • Feel worthy of love while developing a positive expectation that they WILL receive all the blessings that life has to offer

  • Develop an appreciation for others while possessing empathy for what it's like to be in their shoes

Dear Friend,

My name is Dr. Joe Rubino and I can tell you from more than 30 years of personal experience that there is no greater joy or more rewarding career anywhere than being a Self-Esteem Coach. In our world today, we can make a significant difference in dramatically impacting violence, hatred, anger, poverty, aggressive behavior, depression, school drop-outs, alcohol and drug addiction, and all other undesirable behaviors and states of mind simply by teaching people the life-impacting principles that will assist them to develop high self-esteem and design their lives with a positive expectation for the future.

Now, you too can join me as a Certified Self-Esteem Elevation Coach and Earn a Great Living as you change lives!

In my 30 plus years as a life-optimization and self-esteem coach, I have personally coached more than 2000 individuals to complete and heal their past, accurately assess what's so in their lives presently, and design an inspirational and compelling future in choice.

NOT having sufficient levels of Self-Esteem, will impact a person's relationships, communication, personal effectiveness and ability to reach their fullest potential. Scientific studies show over and over the relationship between not having sufficient self-esteem and threats like:

  • Being Insecure – creeping feelings of discomfort

  • Procrastination – putting things off until you are doomed to fail

  • Frustration – not getting the results you want, again and again

  • Worrying – visualizing and expecting negative, self-fulfilling results without reason

  • Anger – finding yourself in a state of upset all too frequently

  • Bullying – exerting domination over others in unhealthy ways in order to create a false impression of power and superiority

  • Depression – allowing yourself to be a victim, dominated by a mood of sadness often to avoid responsibility for making your life work optimally or to attract the pity of others

  • Fear – the third most prevalent emotional response often due to a perceived inability to impact one's situation

Many other situations including Abuse, Addictions, School Drop outs, Poverty and even Suicide are also strongly linked to NOT having sufficient self-esteem! 

Self-Esteem Coaches:
  • Can earn rewarding incomes by working with adults and children to develop soaring self-esteem. (Many Self-Esteem Elevation Coaches charge fees ranging from $75 to $300 per hour!)

  • Enjoy ultra-fulfilling work that makes a huge difference in the lives of others

  • Enjoy the respect, gratitude and admiration of all those they work with

  • Can take pride in shifting the consciousness of our planet by having a direct impact on the lives of those they work with

  • Will change their own lives as they change the lives of others! 
The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Adults Program was designed to make learning from your own home, at your own pace, easy, convenient AND affordable! With our program you can learn to coach and guide others to elevate their self-esteem without spending tens of thousands of dollars attending seminars and paying exorbitant fees and while saving precious time. You can learn at your own pace and go through all the educational information in a manner that fits your lifestyle and needs.  
Become a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Adults and Learn the Skills that Change Lives!

Here is your chance to Acquire Dr. Joe Rubino's Ultimate Self-Esteem Formula Platinum Package and Certification Program to become a Certified Coach in Self Esteem Elevation for Adults – for a special VIP price.

Here Is Your Special Limited Time Opportunity To Get $1300 Worth Of Resources For Just $47 AND Be Certified by The Center for Personal Reinvention as a Self-Esteem Elevation Coach for Adults!

You will receive:

The Self-Esteem Book (PDF)
The Ultimate Guide to Boost the Most Underrated Ingredient for Success and Happiness in Life" (Priceless value)
Self-Esteem, Inner Peace and World Peace (MP3)
Discover how Important Your Strong Self-Esteem is – In a Greater Picture.   Find Out How Our World can be Transformed by Elevating Self-Esteem of those Around You – GREAT RECORDING!
The Self-Esteem Work Book (PDF)
Complementary to "The Self-Esteem Book" Outstanding step-by-step Guide with Exercises to facilitate the Life Altering Process (Normally Sold For $20)
The #1 Ingredient for Success and Happiness in Life (video)
1 Hour Video by Dr. Joe Rubino (Normally Sold For $20)
1 Hour Video Interview of Dr. Joe Rubino (video)
1 Hour Video by Dr. Joe Rubino ($20 Value)

Including Your Special Bonuses:

PLUS... 3 Life-Transforming Hours of Tele-Seminars (Original Cost $750)

Tele-Seminar 1: Heal and
Complete Your Past (MP3)
An Exclusive, high value interview. Until now, only released for Dr Joe Rubino's private coaching clients. (Normally Sold For $29) 
Tele-Seminar 2: Assess Your Current Life and Business (MP3
An Exclusive, high value interview. Until now, only released for Dr Joe Rubino's private coaching clients. (Normally Sold For $29) 
Tele-Seminar 3: Design Your Compelling Future Deliberately (MP3)
This Uplifting and Inspirational session will support you to gain key insights essential to designing your life step by step in choice ($250 value) 



Certification Test for Certified Coaching Status in Self Esteem Elevation for Adults ($250 value)

Total Value: $1300.00

Your Discounted Price: $47



The Self-Esteem Audio Book (MP3)
Professionally narrated by Dr. Joe Rubino. Extremely effective and convenient. Great for home or Ipod use. This bonus alone is well worth your investment! (Normally Sold For $79)



An Exclusive, high value interview. Until now, only released for Dr Joe Rubino's private coaching clients. (Normally Sold For $29)
Exclusive Interview (MP3)

Including Your Special Bonus:

You can have The Self Esteem Certified Coach in Self Esteem Elevation for Adults… everything here for a one time payment of $47.

To your success,

Dr. Joe Rubino

(Note: The Certified Coach in Self Esteem Elevation for Adults… contains many of the same course materials as are found in The Ultimate Achievers' Self-Esteem Platinum Pack.) 

Listen to what some of Dr. Joe Rubino's students have to say about this life-changing program:

"I am very thankful of what you are doing. I am a South African National Defense Force Brigadier General, but I must tell you, because of our history, one still experiences esteem problems in some situations. With your course, I am addressing this. My dream is to reach those that were denied opportunities in my country, to raise their self esteem and engage in programs that are nation and peace building and also promote entrepreneurship among Black South Africans for economic freedom. I hope to do this through radio and TV programs that will constantly educate on these issues. I thus thank you for this gift."  

-  Mzolisi Charles Menze
Brigadier General, South Africa Defense Force

"Dr Joe,

I had an amazing morning. I have a new client… she is 20 years old who wants to lose weight and increase her level of self esteem. So I did the interpretation exercises and she told me she felt so good.
I felt so good coming leaving her house. As you said, to gain personal power is to focus on others. I felt that personal power in me and it's building rapidly since doing the exercises. and watching your video on automatic listening. I listen to your stuff while driving every day and teaching others.
I feel like i have found my purpose. The girl I saw this morning asked me to speak to her 12 year old sister as well. So i can see now there is a market for children. Thank you!"  

-  Richard Stanley

"I am writing to share with you a couple results that the first self esteem course that Josie and I took of yours that has changed lives. In Josie's classroom, she has set up several affirmative self esteem project boards. Not huge things but very well done things. One bulletin board outside her room where the kids pass by each day in the morning while entering the classroom is called "I Have A Dream" on the board are each students "What I Want To Become" idea. Each student has been instructed to read his/her goal before entering the classroom each day and to think about it during the day. It is a visioning project that deals with self esteem.

Josie has incorporated into her lessons and daily activities your concepts of championing each student with positive reinforcements. The kids devour it, they love it, they thrive upon it. Thank you Dr.!"

-  Robert and Josie Harding

"I am writing you to say thank you for opening my eyes to the real cause of my problems in life. I am 32 years old and I have been blaming everyone but myself for the way things have turned out for me when in reality I did not have to let anything hold me back. I now realize that I make every choice in life and I can make a choice for a better life. This is the path that I choose from here on out. I am setting goals and making plans every day. I am trying to train my sub-conscience to focus on attracting only the happy, successful ideas I now believe can be attained. I am forever in your debt so if there ever anything I could do for you, please consider it done."  

-  Justin M. 

"So many of my clients suffer from unworthiness. I find your course material helps to both deprogram and reprogram my client while in hypnosis. (I work as a medical hypnotherapist/medical intuitive.)

Thank you so much for your great work."

-  Heather Carlini


To your success,

Dr. Joe Rubino 

P.S. – Remember, this is the only program you will find with this specific formula for helping adults elevate every aspect of their self-esteem.

P.P.S. – Isn't it time you acquired this valuable tool to be able to impact your own life and the lives of those you love? I promise you…your life and the lives of those you impact will never be the same!

As a Self-Esteem Elevation Coach for Adults you
WILL have the ability to change all that and make a
HUGE difference in the lives of so many so that
they can truly live their best lives!
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should take the Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation Program for Adults?

A. Anyone interested in working with others while possessing the ability to impact their lives and your own.

Q. I am interested in the Self-Esteem Elevation Program for Adults primarily for my own use. Is it a requirement to take the certification exam?

A. No, many study these life-changing materials simply to support their own happiness, ability to attract wealth, rich relationships, fulfillment, and a dream life (or to support family members to do so.) This package is discounted well below the cost of the Self-Esteem System Platinum Pack which does not include certification…so think of the certification as an extra free bonus!

Q. What is the Certification title I will receive?

A. Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Adults

Q. Do I need to get certified if I am only interested in learning how to champion myself or others to elevate their self-esteem?

A. No, the certification is optional. Many purchase the program just to learn how to support themselves or those they love to develop stronger self-esteem. There is no additional cost for the certification, if desired.

Q. How long does it take to complete the course?

A. Typically between 2-3 weeks and 1 year maximum.

Q. What will I receive with the course?

A. All the programs listed above as downloadable audios, videos, and e-book, a 50 question certification multiple choice test, a certificate certifying you by The Center for Personal Reinvention as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Adults.

Q. What do I need to do to become certified?

A. Take a 50 question multiple choice test and submit it with a passing grade of 70% to become certified.

Q. What happens if I fail the test?

A. Most who take the test pass on their first try. You'll have up to 6 chances to achieve a passing grade. There is a $25 exam fee for each submission after the first two test submissions which are free.

Q. How long does it take to receive my certification once my test is submitted?

A. Usually less than 2 weeks.

Q. How will I receive my certification?

A. The certificate will be sent via email ready to be printed and framed if desired.

Q. Is the certification accepted everywhere in the world?

A. Yes, to the best of our knowledge.

Q. Who issues the certification?

A. The Center for Personal Reinvention

Q. Will I need any additional training to practice as a certified coach in self-esteem
elevation for adults?

A. No.

Q. Are there any licensing requirements for Self-Esteem Coaches?

A. Not at this time.

Q. Will you help me get clients in any way?

A. Certified coaches can be listed with their names, addresses, and contact information on The Center for Personal Reinvention website for a minimal web posting fee of $45or information change fee of $25 should your contact info change.

Q. Are there any other ways you can assist me to attract clients?

A. Yes, as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation you will have access to mailing up to 8 articles written by Dr. Joe Rubino to educate people about the work we do to support people to elevate their self-esteem. Simply add your contact information after the article to generate interest in your services.

Q. What fees can I charge my clients as a Certified Coach?

A. You are free to establish your own fee schedule. Most certified coaches charge between $75 and $300 per hour and work by phone appointment.

Q. If I need assistance in coaching any client, can I get help?

A. Yes, Dr. Joe Rubino (and other qualified coaches) are available by appointment to assist by phone. Coaching fees are $295 per hour and would be paid by the client.

For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Self-Esteem Coach for Adults certification for only $ 1300

Free Video & Gifts

Claim Your Free Video, Self-Esteem Mini-Course
& Success Club Membership:

"How to Raise Your Happiness & Joy In Life"
($129 Value)

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